Greetings! How much time do we need to allow for connections through Frankfurt? One hour? 1.5 hours? We have several connection choices so appreciate your help ... If we do end up with a 3 hour layover ... are there good shops to visit?
I assume you are taling about connections at Frankfurt airport, not the train station.
The airport has about everything you would expect in a city shopping center, including a porn shop. Some of the shops are on the lower floors of the terminals, some in the arrival/departure areas outside and inside(tax free) the customs area.
Of course, the time needed for connections depends on where you are flying from, with who, and where you are connecting to. If you are returning to the US, there is a secondary screening process that can take almost an hour in itself close to the departure gate. Then, there are two terminals, and if you have to transfer between them it will take much longer. And of course it makes a big difference whether you already have your boarding pass for your next flight in hand.
If you are flying only on one airline, not changing terminals, not continuing on to the US, and your plane is on time, 45 minutes is plenty of connecting time.
Basically, what happens is you follow the transfer signs, somewhere along the way you will go through transfer immigration, and then you proceed to your gate. (Note, arrivals and departures are on different levels, you just cannot go to your gate directly.) Some of the parts of the terminals may have some shops airside and possibly some restaurants. If you leave airside you will have to go through security again and probably isn%26#39;t worth it for a 3 hour layover, although there certainly are more shops and restaurants on the nonsecure side of the airport.
Thanks for your inputs ... quite helpful as some of the connections options are either 1 hour between flights or 3 hours ...
To be more specific, we will be flying United/Luthansa from Chicago, connecting through Frankfurt and then on to Venice. The return connection will be from Florence to Frankfurt and then back to Chicago.
So basically - a 1.5 hour connection is probably cutting it too close?
Since United and Lufthansa are in an alliance, you will have all boarding passes in hand when you check-in for your first flight. Both use Terminal 1 in Frankfurt so that further helps you in transfering. Personally, on your trip to Italy I would make the tightest connection that they allow. If your plane arrives too late to make the connection, you%26#39;ll be put on the next available flight which would be what your later option is. On the return to the US I think an hour, or a little over, connecting time would be fine, especially if there are still later flights to the US by either carrier, as then you could be transferred to one of those easily.
Be aware of who actually operates the flights, as they code share, so you check in at the right counter.
My vote is still for 2+ hours. I flew in on LT from Athens, with an hr to cahnge terminals and go to United and fly to WAshington DC. Passport Control and going through security who checked out luggage took forever. The only way I made my flight was a new line opened at the Passport Control and some nice folks let me infront of them after I showed them my tickets. I am not sure why flights to US it is necessary to go through Passport COntrol and to ahve your luggage checked again.
Thanks for the good advice. We ended up booking connections through Zurich instead as the times were better to allow us enough time ... but not a 4-5 hour layover. Happy travels!
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