Planning a midwinter vacation. Only have time to visit two cities in Central Europe. Which two would you choose: Prague, Munich, Vienna, or Budapest?
This is like asking a stranger to guess if you want orange juice, grapefruit juice or milk for breakfast... Read some guide books my friend...
I%26#39;d want Prague and Budapest because these are the two I have not yet visited - but this is of no use to you, I%26#39;m afraid. No one here can tell you what YOU want...
It%26#39;s true that travel choices are highly personal.......It can also be very weather-dependent, and I was hoping for some insights into the complications/benefits/advantages(?) of these cities in the middle of winter.
The only advantage I see in visiting any of these cities in winter is that there should be fewer tourists clogging up the places you may wish to visit. Personally, I would now visit the two cities that I would least like to visit in the Summer if returning to Europe in the future. Perhaps places lacking in gardens you might like to visit under better conditions. Of course the logical choice to minimize travel time and expense would be Budapest and Vienna. (Of course, there are a lot of other places you could also choose from, or pair up with one of those other cities.) Actually I like to visit more rural areas in the months when the leaves are not on the trees, as now you can see the forest without the trees%26#39; foliage blocking it (castles, palaces, mountains, etc. are much more visible), and to me having snow on the ground instead of rain adds to the experience.
Architecturally and atmospherically, Prague stands out in the snow and winter IMO. No guarantee of snow but Prague lends itself well to a cold winter visit, frosty roof tops, muled wine in the square etc. . Personally I prefer Munich in good weather to indulge in the beer garden culture.
Therefore this time of year Prague would be my first choice and Munich, actully my last choice, much though I love visiting Munich and this is Munich forum. If it was me, It%26#39;d be Prague and Budapest.
Very helpful considerations. Thanks for your thoughts!
My vote would also be for Prague, fantastic in the wintertime when its all snowy and cold (of course no guarantee of snow). Had a long week at the end Dec/Jan two years ago for a wedding and there is so much to do and see.
2nd choice would be for Munich, I could visit this city anytime of the year and not be disappointed. Of course you cannot sit out and enjoy the beer gardens but you can have a nice cosy warm inside one!
Been to Vienna many many times to visit family, and really don%26#39;t like the overall atmosphere for some reason, but that%26#39;s just my own personal opinion.
Funny place Vienna. Marvelous, stunning architecture etc, nice people, clean etc. But I agree with your observation, it%26#39;s a must visit city but it lacks something, some chemistry or atmosphere - I can%26#39;t put my finger on what it is that%26#39;s missing.
It%26#39;s very strange to visit a truly great and impressive city, thoroughly enjoy a few days and then not want to go back, but that%26#39;s how I feel about Vienna.
Glad to know its not just me then!
Must admit I also feel the same way about Salzburg, so very twee for all the wrong reasons. We had a very nice visit but there was just something not...right.
Well that and apart from an absolute lunatic going mad shouting and generally making a a**e of himself, in the bar/cafe we were sitting in and everyone was too scared to move until the police came all this at 3.15 in the afternoon, not the genteel view of Salzburg one was expecting!
But hey thats travel for you, if we all liked the same place....
Again, thanks very much for your thoughts.
Prague sounds like a must do. (Though another thread in the Prague forum makes the Prague-ites sound grasping and unfriendly, I think I can get around that.....)
Your comments about Vienna ring true (I visited there oh 35 years ago and got rapped on the back (literally) by a Staatsoper usher with a long pole, because I had the temerity to sit on the step of my %26quot;stehtplatz%26quot; during an interminable performance of %26quot;Parsifal.%26quot; The culture was great; the vibes were not.)
So what do y%26#39;all think about Budapest -- good or bad? (I know this is not the Budapest forum, but actually I might get some more objective reactions here.)
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