Friday, March 30, 2012

Christmas compares

I was wondering if the Christmas markets in the cities throughout Germany are about the same- I know they will each have their own special touches- but we are headed to Nuremberg for the few days leading up to Christmas to experience that market--- prior to that is it worth stopping in on other markets or should we stick to the other sights in those cities? Cities such as Dusseldorf and Frankfurt--we only have a few days before we have to be in Nuremberg.


Depends on where you are landing, etc.

The Christmas markets pretty much have the same kind of food and drink, and offer the same items to buy, but it is the setting that makes them different. Most of them are in the town squares, surrounded by historic buildings and churches. This is what gives them their atmosphere. What some people like to do is go to the smaller towns that may have their Christmas market in their castle or on the castle grounds, they may use real lanterns and torches. This will definitely give you a wonderful atmosphere. Most of these markets are only on for a weekend though.

So, tell us when and where you arrive in Germany, and we can give you some suggestions.

The Frankfurt market is very pretty and every evening at 20:00, they have a traditional brass band play from the gallery of the Alte Nikolai church that overlooks the Christmas Market.


Thanks- that is the info. I was looking for- to see if there were different types of merchandise or food/drink-- I do think the smaller towns would be nice to see- the atmosphere would make it worth the stop for us. This advice will save us from trying to fit in the other bigger city%26#39;s markets as well.


I made a mistake about the brass band playing on the Alte Nikolai gallery. They just do this on Wed. and Sat. at 1800. Here is the website for the Frankfurt market:;jsessionid=6F662BF53DA4B8EFAEE655E0C1AC0A87


I like to go to all the different Christmas markets, but there certainly is a certain sameness, although the merchandise and the food and the drink varies--somewhat. You will either love them, or they will leave you cold. If you find that you love them, I definitely would go see some others.

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