Hello, i have been reading through lots of posts on here, but there is so much info about all different things!!
I am looking to take my boyfriend as a city break for a birthday present.
This would be 21st to 24th Jan.
Is this a good time to go? or does it not really matter what time of the year?
I am aware that it will most likely be cold, which is fine.
I just want to have a nice romantic getaway, see some of the sights, eat out etc.
Also, i have been told that Charlottenburg is a nice place to stay? But i havent a clue, when i looked there at a hotel it was next door to a strip joint! Im not a prude, but as its a birthday gift would like to stay in a nice hotel for my budget.
I notice there are a couple IBIS hotels which are well priced.
Any pointers would be great as at present i cant decide between Berlin or Budapest.
Either way it will be bloody cold!! :)
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